Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tristan's Essay!!

Tristan Yerkes
Mr. Salsich
English 02
18 February, 2009

One Love:
An Essay On Music

Music is powerful. On July 31st 2004, 110,000 people flocked to Boston Massachusetts to participate in a farewell concert for the band Dispatch. These people participated in the biggest independent music concert in history for one reason alone. To enjoy music.(SHORT SENTENCE) Though there are many great forms of entertainment today, music, being the best, (APPOSITIVE) beats them all and brings joy to many. (COMPOUND - COMPLEX)

TS Caliban speaks very highly of his music in "The Tempest" not speaking about anything else that brings him joy. SD He makes it clear that the island's music brings him only pleasure, and nothing else. CM Caliban makes this clear, saying, "Sounds [...] that give delight, and hurt not." CM This shows that music, unlike alcohol on Prospero's island, the other primary source of happiness on the island, has no negative side effects. SD Caliban also speaks of the wild happiness that the island's music brings him. CM He visualises fantasies, saying, "The clouds [...] would open and show riches ready to drop on me." CM This great happiness illustrates how much Caliban enjoys his music, beyond all other experiences he has on the island. SD Caliban also wishes that the music he hears would occur over and over again. CM He tells the others of this wish, saying, "I cried to [have that] dream again." CM This shows he wants to repeat it because it is that good. CS Caliban enjoys his music a lot, and so he speaks of it with great description to portray his happiness.

T.S. Like Caliban, I too enjoy music. S.D. Similarly, when I listen to any music, there are no negative effects of the music. C.M. Music encourages me and brings me happiness, when I am listening I am in the moment, in the song, above my problems.(PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES) C.M. Unlike many other techniques for self-enjoyment, music has no bad side effects; after listening to a song, I won't have impaired judgement or act detached. S.D. Music also brings huge enjoyment. C.M. Sometimes, when I am listening to music, I feel not only like I am invincible, but that I am also on top of the world, and that anything is possible. C.M. This is one of the best feelings ever, and I feel happiest when I get this. S.D. Recently, I have not had one time in the day when I don't want to be listening to music. C.M. All day long, I am either listening to a song, or singing one in my head. I always want the wild happiness that music brings me. My love of music is great, and it will never end because there are always going to be new songs.

I don't share the same taste in music as others, but I do love music as much as and more than others. Music is the best. This love is felt by me, felt by Caliban, and it was felt by those 110,000 people throwing their hands up in Boston five years ago. We all have one love, and our love is great.


Ty aka Mr Halo said...

Tristan, I liked how you began with a situation that hapened involving music and that really got me to read your essay. Although i think maybe you shouldn't jump right into the situation until you introduce what the entire essay's theme is. Also you forgot to label your last few sentences at the end of your essay. :)

Kyle said...

When you say "instead of alcohol" I think it might be a little confuseing becasue the reader has no idea what alcohol has to do with the story. "I cried to [have that] dream again" you forgot to put the first quotation mark. I like how you go back to the 110, 000 people again in the end.

Kyle said...
