Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tristan's Essay!!

Tristan Yerkes

Mr. Salsich

English 02

26th February 2009

A Brave New World:
A Discussion on New Beginnings

Bobby Pendragon emerges into New York in the year 5010 to find that America has improved into a perfect world in the last 300 years. In D.J. Machale's series, "Pendragon", Earth has become a brave new world through the virtues of detachment, unity, and love. These same three virtues, detachment, unity, and love are used in William Shakespeare's "The Tempest" as well as in our world today.

The Tempest by William Shakespeare uses the virtues of detachment, unity and love to form a brave new world. Detachment is used as a primary catalyst in the making of a new world. While on the ship, the sailors detached themselves from their ship, saying, "All is lost!" This helped create the new world, because their great society could never be created without hitting bottom; Tyler Durden in Fight Club (1999) once said, "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." Unity contributes to the building of a new world by keeping everyone and everything together. The people soon to arrive on Prospero's island stay unified starting when they abandoned ship during the tempest when Antonio says, "Let's all sink with the King!" This shows that all of the people on the ship went down together, and as a result they arose together. Love acted as a powerful binding force in contribution to the rise of a new world. The main love story in "The Tempest" is between Ferdinand and Miranda, displayed many times such as when Ferdinand says lovingly, "I beyond limit of what else [is in] the world, do love, prize, honour you." This huge strength, this giant power is the core of the new civilization, the inferno that heats everyone else. If the new brave world of Prospero's island were a wall, detachment would be the clearing of the space for the wall, unity would be the mortar, and love would be the blocks.

The world right now is not brave or new, but if people detach themselves from worldly possessions, nations united to stop hate, and everyone loved our planet, we could indeed make a brave new world (LOOSE SENTENCE). Before any action could take place, all people would have to practice detachment. By removing greed and hedonists (FAST WORD), all suffering would be removed as well as distractions to misguide people from the path to a better world. Detachment from earthly possessions would also put everyone on an even playing field, avoiding the hackneyed (FAST WORD) situation of a leader emerging because they are more powerful. Unity is also essential to the creation of a brave new world. If nations had such camaraderie (FAST WORD) that they could all become one, blotting out hate and war would be much more easy. Considering how much better people act when they are all brought together under one banner, united under one cause, joined together towards one common goal (TRICOLON), national unity would be a useful tool to create a brave new world (PERIODIC SENTENCE). Love would be a very powerful core force to the creation of a brave, better world. Love not only helps to bring people together, but it also moves people. If all people loved our planet, noone would litter, global warming would not be an issue, and we could focus on bettering our world, not our world bettering us (CHIASMUS). If a better Earth were a car, detachment would be the ignition, unity would be the chasis, and love would be both the engine and the feul.

Currently, no huge movement is taking place to bring the world together, Prospero's island doesn't exist, and this essay is just a scrawny freshman's views on the world, but these small things can always amount to be bigger and better. Our world can work out of our current position, and become that shining world that Bobby Pendragon saw. If everyone just accepts these virtues, and makes them their own, this dream can become a reality.

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