Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kyle's First Body Paragraph

Graphic Organizer for “Musings on Music”

Intro Paragraph
· Music is life force
· Is arguable as to what it is
· Caliban sees music as a place with “sweet things”
· Musica can be many things including escape

1st Body Paragragh
· 3 reason why Caliban likes music
· Tormented for so long, but finally found something “good”
· Music didn’t hurt
· Speaks of music highly
· Believed to be an escape from Prospero
· Helps him forget and go to sleep
· While asleep is free from worries
· Also enjoys it because puts him to peace
· Thought of wonderful things while dreaming
· Clouds quote
· Only had 3 reasons, but much more

2nd Body Paragraph
· Also 3 reasons I like music
· Use as an escape
· When sad or angry drown myself in music
· Music makes me forget
· Use it to express how I feel
· Dance energetically when happy
· Look for meaning in lyrics when sad
· Also like it just because it sounds wonderful
· So many different types for so many different people
· Music for every occasion
· Music is universal

Closing Paragraph
· Music brings things alive
· Music so many different things
· Can show different emotions anger, happiness, sadness, etc.
· Can serve so many different purposes, but is up to you to decide what it is to you

Kyle Sebastian
Professor H. Salsich
English 9
17 February 2009

Musings on Music;
An Essay on Music in “The Tempest”

TS: Music is like a life source; it gives meaning to things that had none, it brings feeling to places where there were none, it pumps through our senses with as much potency as blood through our veins. SD: It is an arguable case as to what music is; is it really just sounds? CM: Caliban sees music as a place where there is only “sweet airs” and gentle “voices” and he is free from Prospero’s torture. CM: However, music can be a friend in time of need, a vent that you can let your feelings loose on, or even an escape which is what Caliban and I use it as.

TS: There are three reasons to why Caliban holds music in such high regards. SD: One reason is that he had been tormented by Prospero for so long that when he finally came across something beautiful and peaceful, in this case music, he regarded it as something celestial. CM: He says that music “[gave] delight and hurt not”, which he loved because Prospero hurt him frequently, but this music only soothed him. CM: He speaks of music as some heavenly magic because it takes away all the pain and sorrow in his life and helps him forget about them.SD: Another reason is he believed music to be like an escape from the torment Prospero puts him in. CM: Its’ an escape for him because the music would put him to sleep thus taking him away from the onerous labor and painful punishment that he was subjected to by Prospero. CM: While he is asleep he doesn’t have to deal with all of his hardships. SD: He also enjoys music because it puts him at peace. CM: Caliban thought of wonderful things while he dreamed to the sound of music. CM: “The clouds methought would open and show riches ready to drop upon me” says Caliban showing that he really feels music is a wonderful thing. CS: Caliban only had three reasons for why music was so wonderful to him, but there are thousands of reasons why music is wonderful.

TS: There are also three reasons that I love music. SD: The first reason is that I can use music as an escape like Caliban does. CM: As someone who gets stressed out frequently, I regularly drown myself in music to take my mind off things. CM: Music makes me forget about what made me mad or sad. SD: I also use music to express how I feel. CM: I can pick a particularly jumpy upbeat song and dance to it when I feel happy and content. CM: When I’m sad I can pick a particularly meaningful song to listen to and just think about the lyrics. SD: Music is also enjoyable just because it’s a wonderful sounding thing. CM: Music is like all the different people that live on our earth; there are different types and styles of that derived from all different part of the globe. CM: There is music for every occasions; going on a road trip, dancing with a loved one, or just sitting in your room doing nothing. CS: Music is universal.

TS: Wherever music goes it brings things to life. SD: Music can do and be so many different things. CM: Music can show different emotions like anger, sadness, happiness, depression, etc. CM: Music can serve so many different purposes but it’s up to you to decide what music truly is for you.

Bold-FAST Words
Red-Short Sentence
Italics-3 Consecutive Parallel Prepositional Phrases
Purple-Compound Complex Sentence

1 comment:

Ty aka Mr Halo said...

Kyle, Its interesting that you started off with one of your litersry terms and that is a cool way to start off your essay. However, I think that having it be that long is a bit "not right" try shortenning a bit if possible :). also, "Wherever music goes it brings things to life." in the last paragraph sounds a bit vauge (however you spell it) try substituting a more special word for some of the words and phrases.
Nice job!