Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ty's essay :)

Ty LeVarge
Mr. Hamilton Salsich
English 02
February 24, 2009

Brave new worlds
An Essay on the Virtues on Prospero’s Island in The Tempest
and to How the Real World Would Need Virtues to Bring Peace

“As you from crimes would pardon'd be” spoken by Prospero, is an example of amicable forgiveness. Forgiveness is one of the many themes that brought peace onto Prospero’s Island. The island became a now peaceful island, with the waves silently rushing onto the shore, the wind blowing in the trees, and even the seagulls crying as they look for food. (LOOSE) The island was once like a battleground of treachery, hate, and deleteriously overwhelming power.

“Finally, change is in the air!” is a quote from a random citizen at the end of Half-Life 2 who describes change as Miranda would describe it at the end of The Tempest. The island changes from chaos and confusion to peace. The island came to agreement and settled their differences. Every inhabitant on the island has achieved peace and satisfaction with each other. Another theme that is shown by Prospero is the power of forgiveness. Prospero was able to bring peace by forgiving all those he has harmed. Prospero has even forgiven himself for allowing his magical power to consume him, thus making him thirst for revenge. However, peace has been achieved by unity; and unity is the bridge between people and peace. Without unity, there would not be peace between people. Unity is the missing piece of the puzzle that makes the puzzle incomplete until the last piece is found. Without these pieces, peace could not have been achieved on the small isolated island.

The world needs peace to prevent it from cracking apart in chaos. One virtue of peace is unity. We need unity in order for everyone to cooperate. Without unity of the different people in the world, we cannot achieve peace by any other means. Second virtue, is tolerance. War has broken out with sides raging against each other because of our religion, our color, and our power and many have no tolerance for one person or another (PERIODIC). If we were to tolerate each other for what we are on the inside and not how we are on the outside, then the world would be a much better place. Lastly, we need commitment to keep the bonds of order together. Without people willing to commit to having peace, the world would break apart again. Commitment is the backbone to the body of this world’s order without commitment, everything will breakdown and erupt like a volcano. These three virtues are what could establish this world to be a clean and renovated Earth.

What if these dreams for Earth were to come true? Would Earth be a more peaceful place than it is right now? I believe so. With commitment from everyone, making Earth a peaceful home is not so distant in the future.

Tristan's Essay!!

Tristan Yerkes

Mr. Salsich

English 02

26th February 2009

A Brave New World:
A Discussion on New Beginnings

Bobby Pendragon emerges into New York in the year 5010 to find that America has improved into a perfect world in the last 300 years. In D.J. Machale's series, "Pendragon", Earth has become a brave new world through the virtues of detachment, unity, and love. These same three virtues, detachment, unity, and love are used in William Shakespeare's "The Tempest" as well as in our world today.

The Tempest by William Shakespeare uses the virtues of detachment, unity and love to form a brave new world. Detachment is used as a primary catalyst in the making of a new world. While on the ship, the sailors detached themselves from their ship, saying, "All is lost!" This helped create the new world, because their great society could never be created without hitting bottom; Tyler Durden in Fight Club (1999) once said, "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." Unity contributes to the building of a new world by keeping everyone and everything together. The people soon to arrive on Prospero's island stay unified starting when they abandoned ship during the tempest when Antonio says, "Let's all sink with the King!" This shows that all of the people on the ship went down together, and as a result they arose together. Love acted as a powerful binding force in contribution to the rise of a new world. The main love story in "The Tempest" is between Ferdinand and Miranda, displayed many times such as when Ferdinand says lovingly, "I beyond limit of what else [is in] the world, do love, prize, honour you." This huge strength, this giant power is the core of the new civilization, the inferno that heats everyone else. If the new brave world of Prospero's island were a wall, detachment would be the clearing of the space for the wall, unity would be the mortar, and love would be the blocks.

The world right now is not brave or new, but if people detach themselves from worldly possessions, nations united to stop hate, and everyone loved our planet, we could indeed make a brave new world (LOOSE SENTENCE). Before any action could take place, all people would have to practice detachment. By removing greed and hedonists (FAST WORD), all suffering would be removed as well as distractions to misguide people from the path to a better world. Detachment from earthly possessions would also put everyone on an even playing field, avoiding the hackneyed (FAST WORD) situation of a leader emerging because they are more powerful. Unity is also essential to the creation of a brave new world. If nations had such camaraderie (FAST WORD) that they could all become one, blotting out hate and war would be much more easy. Considering how much better people act when they are all brought together under one banner, united under one cause, joined together towards one common goal (TRICOLON), national unity would be a useful tool to create a brave new world (PERIODIC SENTENCE). Love would be a very powerful core force to the creation of a brave, better world. Love not only helps to bring people together, but it also moves people. If all people loved our planet, noone would litter, global warming would not be an issue, and we could focus on bettering our world, not our world bettering us (CHIASMUS). If a better Earth were a car, detachment would be the ignition, unity would be the chasis, and love would be both the engine and the feul.

Currently, no huge movement is taking place to bring the world together, Prospero's island doesn't exist, and this essay is just a scrawny freshman's views on the world, but these small things can always amount to be bigger and better. Our world can work out of our current position, and become that shining world that Bobby Pendragon saw. If everyone just accepts these virtues, and makes them their own, this dream can become a reality.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Kyle's Essay

Kyle Sebastian
Professor H. Salsich
English 9
26 February 2009

“Brave New Worlds”;
An Essay On Forgiveness, Acceptance, Contentment, and Unity.

TS: Mankind has many faults and has been the instigator for many terrible things. SD: What would it take to have a perfect world? CM: Forgiveness is the savior of Prospero’s world. CM: There are three simple things that we need to do to save ours.

TS: The main reason everyone can live in peace now is because Prospero forgave all those who wronged him. SD: “To forgive is to set a prisoner free […]” ( Lewis B. Smedes) which is exactly what Prospero did to Antonio. CM: Prospero vindicated Antonio from his deed therefore he was freed from his hate. SD: All the terrible things that Antonio did to Prospero and his daughter are forgiven. CM: Now there is nothing to fight and fuss over so everyone is peaceful and happy. CM: They are all living in peace and jubilation with one another now. SD: Such a saintly act that it amazed those being forgiven. CM: Antonio was astounded that he could be forgiven for such an intolerable thing. CM: He sees how much his brother is willing to forgive him so he feels bad and together the brothers make a reconciliation. CS: Forgiveness is a powerful thing that should not be taken lightly.

TS: To achieve a brave new world we need acceptance, contentment, and unity. SD: We need acceptance so that everyone can be accepted. CM: If people were accepted by other no matter how different they were things would be more peaceful. CM: If everyone was accepted there would be no conflict between two people, they would simply accept each other. SD: Contentment is also needed so everyone in satisfied. CM: If everyone is satisfied then there will be no want, no greed. CM: Therefore no conflict will arise from the greed of man because there will be none. SD: Last, but not least Unity is needed. CM: We need to cooperate with each other to live together in peace. CM: If everyone is united then everyone reaps the benefits of a “Brave New World. CS: These are three simple things that we need for a perfect world, a world where there is no pain, a world where fear is unknown, a world where we can live how we should.

TS: Our world is overflowing with horrible things like war, pollution, corruption, sorrow, and lies. SD: However, with hope from everyone, with faith and help from everyone there isn’t much we have to do to change that. CM: If we can forgive someone who has wronged us in some way, if we can forgive the little things that people do that irritate us, if even we can forgive ourselves from something we have done wrong surely we can do something to save our world like Prospero did his? CM: We need to accept, to be content, and to unify.

Blue-Periodic Sentence
Red-Loose Sentence
Bold-SAT Words

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ty's Essay

Ty LeVarge
Mr. Hamilton Salsich
English 02
February 18 2009

“Music tames the savage beast” is a common quote that explains the effects music can have on someone. Music can cast its spell anyone. It has power almost similar to the magic in “The Tempest”. Music I’ve heard of in my life has worked magic on me and Caliban has experienced this as well.

TS Caliban, who is a slave to Prospero, can find his happy place and it is everywhere. SD Caliban does not fear the music as a bad thing, but rather accepts it. CM He also tells Stephano and Trinculo, “Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises,” meaning that they should not fear the unusual noises. CM He knows that all noises are harmless and peaceful. SD Caliban almost believes that any and all noises are musical instruments that play a different tune each minute. CM The air, and the sea are like the flute and symbols with footsteps being drums. CM The island is like its own band with their own instruments. SD Also, when Caliban gets put to sleep with music, it’s like the music is his lullaby. CM The music gently lays him to sleep and he dreams of riches and power. CM Once he wakes up, he would have “cried to dream again.” CS Caliban is almost in another trance or imprisonment when he hears the wonders of the music on the island.

TS I have witnessed the most common magic in my life; music. SD Music has been a stress reliever for me. CM Without music, I would be stressful and my life would not be very cheerful. CM It is an infinite source of cheer that can replace the stress in me. SD Music also, similar to Caliban, is able to make me relax and eventually put me to sleep. CM If I had a stressful night of homework, I could turn on some relaxing, mellow tunes to aid me in sliding into sleep. CM I can get more sleep, and more relaxed thanks to the common power of music. SD Music makes me happy and provides entertainment to me as it does to most others who listen to music. CM All music provides something to fill up the free time that I have in my days. CM They fill up those gaps with enjoyment and happiness that can brighten my day. CS Music makes my day every day.

I would not be able to live my life as well as I am right now without the limitless supply of music’s magical wonders. Music is the essence of people’s souls. Music almost gives people their color instead of being black and white. Without music, we would be almost lifeless and not as round as we are now.

Kyle's First Body Paragraph

Graphic Organizer for “Musings on Music”

Intro Paragraph
· Music is life force
· Is arguable as to what it is
· Caliban sees music as a place with “sweet things”
· Musica can be many things including escape

1st Body Paragragh
· 3 reason why Caliban likes music
· Tormented for so long, but finally found something “good”
· Music didn’t hurt
· Speaks of music highly
· Believed to be an escape from Prospero
· Helps him forget and go to sleep
· While asleep is free from worries
· Also enjoys it because puts him to peace
· Thought of wonderful things while dreaming
· Clouds quote
· Only had 3 reasons, but much more

2nd Body Paragraph
· Also 3 reasons I like music
· Use as an escape
· When sad or angry drown myself in music
· Music makes me forget
· Use it to express how I feel
· Dance energetically when happy
· Look for meaning in lyrics when sad
· Also like it just because it sounds wonderful
· So many different types for so many different people
· Music for every occasion
· Music is universal

Closing Paragraph
· Music brings things alive
· Music so many different things
· Can show different emotions anger, happiness, sadness, etc.
· Can serve so many different purposes, but is up to you to decide what it is to you

Kyle Sebastian
Professor H. Salsich
English 9
17 February 2009

Musings on Music;
An Essay on Music in “The Tempest”

TS: Music is like a life source; it gives meaning to things that had none, it brings feeling to places where there were none, it pumps through our senses with as much potency as blood through our veins. SD: It is an arguable case as to what music is; is it really just sounds? CM: Caliban sees music as a place where there is only “sweet airs” and gentle “voices” and he is free from Prospero’s torture. CM: However, music can be a friend in time of need, a vent that you can let your feelings loose on, or even an escape which is what Caliban and I use it as.

TS: There are three reasons to why Caliban holds music in such high regards. SD: One reason is that he had been tormented by Prospero for so long that when he finally came across something beautiful and peaceful, in this case music, he regarded it as something celestial. CM: He says that music “[gave] delight and hurt not”, which he loved because Prospero hurt him frequently, but this music only soothed him. CM: He speaks of music as some heavenly magic because it takes away all the pain and sorrow in his life and helps him forget about them.SD: Another reason is he believed music to be like an escape from the torment Prospero puts him in. CM: Its’ an escape for him because the music would put him to sleep thus taking him away from the onerous labor and painful punishment that he was subjected to by Prospero. CM: While he is asleep he doesn’t have to deal with all of his hardships. SD: He also enjoys music because it puts him at peace. CM: Caliban thought of wonderful things while he dreamed to the sound of music. CM: “The clouds methought would open and show riches ready to drop upon me” says Caliban showing that he really feels music is a wonderful thing. CS: Caliban only had three reasons for why music was so wonderful to him, but there are thousands of reasons why music is wonderful.

TS: There are also three reasons that I love music. SD: The first reason is that I can use music as an escape like Caliban does. CM: As someone who gets stressed out frequently, I regularly drown myself in music to take my mind off things. CM: Music makes me forget about what made me mad or sad. SD: I also use music to express how I feel. CM: I can pick a particularly jumpy upbeat song and dance to it when I feel happy and content. CM: When I’m sad I can pick a particularly meaningful song to listen to and just think about the lyrics. SD: Music is also enjoyable just because it’s a wonderful sounding thing. CM: Music is like all the different people that live on our earth; there are different types and styles of that derived from all different part of the globe. CM: There is music for every occasions; going on a road trip, dancing with a loved one, or just sitting in your room doing nothing. CS: Music is universal.

TS: Wherever music goes it brings things to life. SD: Music can do and be so many different things. CM: Music can show different emotions like anger, sadness, happiness, depression, etc. CM: Music can serve so many different purposes but it’s up to you to decide what music truly is for you.

Bold-FAST Words
Red-Short Sentence
Italics-3 Consecutive Parallel Prepositional Phrases
Purple-Compound Complex Sentence

Tristan's Essay!!

Tristan Yerkes
Mr. Salsich
English 02
18 February, 2009

One Love:
An Essay On Music

Music is powerful. On July 31st 2004, 110,000 people flocked to Boston Massachusetts to participate in a farewell concert for the band Dispatch. These people participated in the biggest independent music concert in history for one reason alone. To enjoy music.(SHORT SENTENCE) Though there are many great forms of entertainment today, music, being the best, (APPOSITIVE) beats them all and brings joy to many. (COMPOUND - COMPLEX)

TS Caliban speaks very highly of his music in "The Tempest" not speaking about anything else that brings him joy. SD He makes it clear that the island's music brings him only pleasure, and nothing else. CM Caliban makes this clear, saying, "Sounds [...] that give delight, and hurt not." CM This shows that music, unlike alcohol on Prospero's island, the other primary source of happiness on the island, has no negative side effects. SD Caliban also speaks of the wild happiness that the island's music brings him. CM He visualises fantasies, saying, "The clouds [...] would open and show riches ready to drop on me." CM This great happiness illustrates how much Caliban enjoys his music, beyond all other experiences he has on the island. SD Caliban also wishes that the music he hears would occur over and over again. CM He tells the others of this wish, saying, "I cried to [have that] dream again." CM This shows he wants to repeat it because it is that good. CS Caliban enjoys his music a lot, and so he speaks of it with great description to portray his happiness.

T.S. Like Caliban, I too enjoy music. S.D. Similarly, when I listen to any music, there are no negative effects of the music. C.M. Music encourages me and brings me happiness, when I am listening I am in the moment, in the song, above my problems.(PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES) C.M. Unlike many other techniques for self-enjoyment, music has no bad side effects; after listening to a song, I won't have impaired judgement or act detached. S.D. Music also brings huge enjoyment. C.M. Sometimes, when I am listening to music, I feel not only like I am invincible, but that I am also on top of the world, and that anything is possible. C.M. This is one of the best feelings ever, and I feel happiest when I get this. S.D. Recently, I have not had one time in the day when I don't want to be listening to music. C.M. All day long, I am either listening to a song, or singing one in my head. I always want the wild happiness that music brings me. My love of music is great, and it will never end because there are always going to be new songs.

I don't share the same taste in music as others, but I do love music as much as and more than others. Music is the best. This love is felt by me, felt by Caliban, and it was felt by those 110,000 people throwing their hands up in Boston five years ago. We all have one love, and our love is great.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ty's Essay :)

Ty LeVarge
Mr. H Salsich
English 02
February 2 2009

Imprisonment Isn't so Bad:
An Essay on My Thoughts of Imprisonment

If I were imprisoned, I would think of being imprisoned as not much of a punishment or a horrific synopsis like most. Rather, I would view this as an opportunity to let go of the chaos around us. This would be last thing on people’s mind because their mind would be tainted with chaos, with fears, and with sorrow. A single thought of being imprisoned could wreck the minds of many.

Although being imprisoned, if I was allowed to see one thing each day, I would have to choose between seeing my friends, and seeing just the outside in general. I would probably most likely want to see my friends. My friends are the soul of my life and they support me no matter what. If my friends weren’t there, my life would fragmentize around me. However, if I was not allowed that, my second option would be just see the outside world in general. To not see the outside and its beauty would be an unimaginable punishment because you cannot get a sense of vision and of what the day looks like every day. If one does not see the outside, they cannot sleep soundly, nor can they enjoy reaching something and to have high hopes of reaching a goal. I would choose my friends over all mainly, as without them; my world would be a dull and lifeless ball of chaos.

If I were to ever be imprisoned, I would say to myself “I would like to be as free as the air that surrounds us.” I would like to be able to roam anywhere possible like the air that stands within every small space. To be limited by no obstacle is a free being. To be free is to flow anywhere through boundless space. If one was free they could wander, they could explore, and they could venture into the unknown. Being free has little risks and few boundaries stopping you. You could do almost anything if you were truly free to do so by not only other’s limits, but your limits as well. One cannot be truly free unless they were immortal but immortality can be in one’s reach.

If I were ever imprisoned, it would seem like being in a nightmare, but you can get some positives out of it. You are basically placed on a leash and you have a chance to control the wants that you think you need. Everything that is not essential to one’s survival is a want because we could live without it. Being imprisoned, whether in a prison or maybe even grounded, is not a positive thing but good things can become of it.

Tristan's Essay!

Tristan Yerkes
English 2
Mr. Salsich
3 February 2009
“All You Need is Love:
An Essay About the Powers of and Relationships Between Freedom and Love”

America is the home of the free. All Americans have heard these words, be it in one form or other. Through the years this idea has been disputed, many have argued that America is in fact not free at all. I for one believe strongly in these words, partly because I consider freedom to be the ability to work to success, and partly because of my feelings that love makes people free.
Everyone makes mistakes. One of these mistakes might cause me confinement, in which case, I would need something to keep me sane. This something may come in the form of a sight that I would see maybe once a day. For me, this vision would need to be a source of hope, a plethora [FAST WORD] of hopeful energy that I could draw from whenever the need arose [FAST WORD]. This sight would also need to be astoundingly beautiful, something that I could look at and enjoy. If I were confined, I would like to see love every day. This could be in many forms, a couple getting married, a father sending his son to his first day of school, a brother sitting at his sister’s deathbed, anything that would convey an overwhelming sense of love. This idea is conveyed in The Tempest by William Shakespeare, when Ferdinand says, “Might I but through my prison once a day behold this maiden [I would be happy.]” Ferdinand says he will stay sane and happy in his prison if he sees the girl he loves. If I saw any type of love once a day, it wouldn’t matter what prison I was in, I would stay hopeful, and happy.
I would feel free, and to me, freedom is being as free as an American. Almost all American citizens have the right to work their way to success, and simply having that option is all the freedom I need. Some days, I walk down to a store, with a few dollars in hand, and it amazes me that I have the freedom to not only earn that money, but to go and buy a candy bar. I feel more free than ever, simply working for some cash and spending it, which is possible more than ever in America. Andrew Ryan from the game BioShock once posed the question, “Is a man not entitled to the sweat off his brow?” Mr. Ryan went on to explain how all of the different government systems said no to this question, he was of course talking about the rationalities of building an underwater metropolis, but his ideas are important, nonetheless. Throughout the rest of BioShock, Mr. Ryan’s ideas are reiterated to the player, inadvertently saying that true freedom only comes when one can receive fruits from one’s labor. I agree fully with this philosophy, that freedom is the idea that one is entitled to the sweat off one’s brow. I have not always truly appreciated how great our nation is, but I do and it makes me feel more free than ever.
I feel free now, but what would become of me if I were sent to some society where I were locked up for being Jewish? I would be perfectly fine if I could see love everyday. I am as free as an American. To be free Lynyrd Skynyrd needs to be a bird, Andrew Ryan needs to build an underwater utopia, and many need to legalize illicit substances, [TRICOLON] but I am cool as a cucumber to stay in America, milking the benefits that the great red, white, and blue has to offer.

Kyle's Essay

Kyle Sebastian
Professor H. Salsich
English 02
2 February 2009

The Difference Between a Flying and a Caged Bird:
An essay on my thoughts on Freedom and Imprisonment.

TS: Theres only two choices in life being free or being imprisoned. SD: Imprisonment and freedom are two coinciding forces on our earth. CM: Freedom is a state of being in which you can do what you want when you want to do it without anyone telling you that you can’t. CM: Imprisonment is the exact opposite of freedom, a state of being when you can’t do whatever you want when you want to do it without someone saying you can’t.

TS: Loss of hope, loss of faith, loss of free will, these are the things people think about when the word imprisonment is mentioned to them. SD However, when you have the right motivation to stay positive then your imprisonment can become more of a mere inconvenience. CM: For example if I was ever held captive in a cell and I was only allowed to see one thing each day besides the cells walls I would choose to see a small lake or pond with fish and possibly a waterfall. CM: It would be a tranquil place that I could lose myself in thus forgetting about my imprisonment. CM: A place that I could think about long after having seen it. SD: Ferdinand, Antonio’s son from “The Tempest”, believes Miranda to be his motivation. CM: He says “Might I […] once a day behold this maid: […] space enough have I in such a prison." CM: He basically states that if he could gaze upon Miranda once a day than he would be content and happy within his confinement. CS: When you are properly motivated your impetus can do anything, including gaining your freedom from the darkest cell you could possibly imagine.

TS: Freedom can be compared to so many things be it a flying bird, a flowing stream, even a snowflake freely falling towards the ground. SD: If I had to compare freedom to something it would be to our thoughts. CM: Your thoughts are your own, something that no one can take from you or stop you from having. CM: They are the very essence of freedom, being able to think what you want when you want and having no one tell you its wrong. SD: Prospero compares freedom to the mountain wind. CM: “You’ll be as free as the mountain winds” is what Prospero says to Ariel relating “mountain winds” to her soon to be freedom. CM: “Mountain winds” is a very good example of freedom because the mountain winds blow wherever they want whenever they want and no one can stop them from doing it. CS: Freedom comes in so many different styles, so many opportunities, under so many circumstances because its so complex that nothing can accurately describe it.

TS: There will always be people in our world that will be confined and unhappy so it is our responsibility, the free people, to try and free them as well. SD: Freedom and confinement are two opposite things, but they always live side by side in our world. CM: Freedom is like a bird flying, carefree and happy. CM: Confinement is like a caged bird and it is our duty as free people to open the doors of those cages and set those birds free.

Bold-Fast Words

Imprisoned by Freedom

Sometimes, being imprisoned can teach you how to observe your surroundings better. In Shakespeare's "The Tempest", Ferdinand, made oblivious by his love for Miranda, does not learn this. There are two things I would like to be able to see if I were imprisoned. One to help me escape, and the other, something to remind me what it's like to be free to get me motivated. I will tell you about them both in this essay.

If I were imprisoned, one thing I would like to see each day would be the outdoors. To figure out how to escape, I would want to watch burrowing animals. By watching the animals, I would be able to make tools based on the shape of their claws. I would have to be very resourceful though, since I probably wouldn't be able to get many things without raising some suspicion. Another thing I'd want to see would be my friends and family. I could have them bring me the things I needed to escape, and I would want their support. If I couldn't see them, I would probably go insane.
All in all, I'd probably just try to avoid getting imprisoned in the first place.

Freedom is like being an owl. Owls are able to fly, able to sneak up on their prey without being noticed, and they are able to do just about anything they need to do. If they need to escape, they can just fly away. Even if they can't see the danger, they can hear it even before it can see or hear the owl. Owls are also nocturnal, unlike many larger predators. During the day, they can stay safe using their camoflouge, without their predators detecting them. Owls are stealthy creatures of the night, which happens to be the only downside to an owl:they can't go out during the day. Owls are safe, free, and awesome.

Although I would try not to get imprisoned in the first place, now I'll have something to think about. In "The Tempest", Ferdinand is imprisoned by Prospero. He tells Prospero that he could survive imprisonment if "[he] but once a day could behold [Miranda]". This is what I have compared to my own life in this brief essay.