Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ty's essay reposted because of internet failiure

Ty LeVarge
Mr. H. Salsich
English 02
December 15 2008

Why Should Past Actions Be Hated?
An Essay on My Regrets

I don’t want to regret things, but it’s hard not to because of their importance. I try to move on from the wrong things I’ve done in my life and forget about them. Regrets help to remind us of the things we have done wrong so that we do not repeat them again. If you regret past actions, then past actions will regret you.

TS I have a regret that took place here at Pine Point School that hangs on me for my last remaining time here. SD That I did not bond with my classmates immediately when I first arrived here in fifth grade. CM If I had, happily and joyfully, walked into the classroom and started meeting people, I would be very well bonded with the friends I have now. CM However, now it is the end of my time here at Pine Point and I’m just now getting to know people well now. SD The best I can do for now is to make the most of the time we all have together. CM I need to talk every moment I have and to laugh every moment I can so that this precious time we have left is not forgotten. CM I want to become known not only to the friends I have in ninth grade but beyond my grade, to become known to all and to be familiar to all. CS I will have to be the best me to do this.

TS I have another regret that means a lot and I still bear with me over these gangling years. SD It is that I have not spent enough time with, my “secondary family”. CM My secondary family is my classmates, whom I have spent countless years talking, laughing, and crying with. CM Everyone accepts me and appreciates who I am and who I’ve become. SD In the few months we have left to be as one, I want to be part of that whole and to share with the other parts of the whole. CM I should laugh every time someone else laughs and party when others party because we may never get a chance to do this again as one. CM I need to be as outgoing and obnoxious as my other friends do so that I’m remembered as one of the class and not someone who was totally adverse than others. CS I have spent five years with the people I know now and I hope I will spend forever with them.

I have had the two regrets as my most important regrets because they have shaped me. Most other regrets are small and meaningless like the time I lost in a game of battleship to my Mom because of one wrong move. These I can think about and forget but the important regrets I can never get rid of and will haunt me for a long time. So during these last months I’m going to be the best me I can be!

The important regrets
1st body paragraph:
Not bonding with others at Pine Point
Make the most of time left
2nd body paragraph:
Not spending enough time with my friends
Spend lots of time with them during last months
be the best me i can be

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