Thursday, December 4, 2008

Kyle's Essay (A Christmas Carol)

Kyle Sebastian
Professor H. Salsich
English 02
3 December 2008
“What Comes Around Goes Around”;
An In-Class Essay on a quote from “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens

TS-What if after death you could not find piece and had to pay for your sins here on earth? SD-Every action that you perform always has a consequence, no matter how small, it always has a consequence. CM-For example Adolf Hitler performed a despicable hate crime and he paid for it with his life. CM-You can sin and have your way in this life, but if you sin it will have its way with you in the next.
TS-Marley is trying to warn Ebenezor that the deeds he performs in this life will affect his next. SD-Bad deeds lead to a bad afterlife. CM-Marley spent all his time worrying about money and work and now he is forced to do the things he didn’t do in his life for all eternity. CM-Its a lot like bills, if you don’t pay for them now you’ll have to pay for them later. SD-If Scrooge keeps living his life like Marley did he will have the same thing happen to him. CM-He too will be bound by chains made of the petty things he valued in life and will be bound against his will to pay for his sins. CM-If he was just simply kind, if he was just generous, if he was just a little more sociable then maybe he could live a life that he didn’t even know he wanted. CS-Marley is trying to tell him that he can live a happy life and be able to live happily in the next if he just changes his ways.

TS-The things that you here will decide what things you do there, in the after life. SD-If you have a homework assignment and you decide not to do it then you will only have to do it later. CM-Why not just do it in the first place and even help yourself, homework, after all, was made to help us. CS-Why live a life that makes other people unhappy when you could live a life that makes yourself and others happy.

Blue-Purposeful Repetition

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