Thursday, January 8, 2009

Kyle's Tempest Paragraph

Kyle Sebastian
Professor H. Salsich
English 02
9 January 2009

A Sickening Feeling:
A Paragraph on Prospero’s Feelings towards His Brother Antonio on page10.

TS: An obvious theme on this page is the resentment that Prospero shows towards his brother. SD: The part when Prospero talks in an unkind manner about his brother clearly states his distaste for his brother. CM: “That a brother should be so perfidious!” is what Prospero says about his brother, someone who should be close to him and hold a certain place in his heart. CM: If Prospero can express openly his feelings of hate towards Antonio to his daughter than that shows how strong his feelings of loathing for his brother truly are. SD: Another reason that Prospero should show resentment towards his brother is that his common sense should tell him to. CM: Its only human to detest someone if they do something bad to hurt you. CM: An example of appropriately using your common sense to despise someone is of Simon Wiesenthal, a Jewish survivor who refused to forgive an S.S. soldier for what he had done to help Hitler exterminate the Jewish people. CM: While it may have been saintly for Mr. Wiesenthal to forgive the man, his common sense told him that the man had committed an unforgivable crime, Prospero acted in the same way. SD: Another factor to Prospero’s feelings towards his brother is that siblings are naturally competitive with one another. CM: When Antonio eventually “won” the title of Duke and Prospero “lost” to his brother it only deepened his hatred for his brother. CM: This seems like a very rare situation because I do fight with my brother and sister, but we don’t necessarily have feelings of hate as strong as Prospero’s. CM: We get more frustrated with one another, but we forgive each other at some point. CS: Its very plain to see that Prospero does not favor his brother, and I find it almost sad that he feels that way because if he lived in our time his brother probably wouldn't have betrayed him because we don't need to worry about becoming Duke these days.

1 comment:

tristan yerkes said...

Dude! I just realized we used the same quote! Nice paragraph though! Seriously, your points are super mega good... Oh and PS you may want to mention The Tempest in your subtitle...