Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ty's Essay

Ty LeVarge
Mr. Hamilton Salsich
English 02
February 18 2009

“Music tames the savage beast” is a common quote that explains the effects music can have on someone. Music can cast its spell anyone. It has power almost similar to the magic in “The Tempest”. Music I’ve heard of in my life has worked magic on me and Caliban has experienced this as well.

TS Caliban, who is a slave to Prospero, can find his happy place and it is everywhere. SD Caliban does not fear the music as a bad thing, but rather accepts it. CM He also tells Stephano and Trinculo, “Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises,” meaning that they should not fear the unusual noises. CM He knows that all noises are harmless and peaceful. SD Caliban almost believes that any and all noises are musical instruments that play a different tune each minute. CM The air, and the sea are like the flute and symbols with footsteps being drums. CM The island is like its own band with their own instruments. SD Also, when Caliban gets put to sleep with music, it’s like the music is his lullaby. CM The music gently lays him to sleep and he dreams of riches and power. CM Once he wakes up, he would have “cried to dream again.” CS Caliban is almost in another trance or imprisonment when he hears the wonders of the music on the island.

TS I have witnessed the most common magic in my life; music. SD Music has been a stress reliever for me. CM Without music, I would be stressful and my life would not be very cheerful. CM It is an infinite source of cheer that can replace the stress in me. SD Music also, similar to Caliban, is able to make me relax and eventually put me to sleep. CM If I had a stressful night of homework, I could turn on some relaxing, mellow tunes to aid me in sliding into sleep. CM I can get more sleep, and more relaxed thanks to the common power of music. SD Music makes me happy and provides entertainment to me as it does to most others who listen to music. CM All music provides something to fill up the free time that I have in my days. CM They fill up those gaps with enjoyment and happiness that can brighten my day. CS Music makes my day every day.

I would not be able to live my life as well as I am right now without the limitless supply of music’s magical wonders. Music is the essence of people’s souls. Music almost gives people their color instead of being black and white. Without music, we would be almost lifeless and not as round as we are now.


Ty aka Mr Halo said...

by the way, do not post comments on labelling my terms i will do this when my internet stops messing up :(

Kyle said...

The second sentence of the intro paragraph shuld probably have a "on" in it ex. (Music can cast it's spell 'on' anyone.) "Caliban does not fear 'the' music is a bad thing" the in this sentencet just seems a little out of place maybe you meant to say "that". I love how you start off your entire essay with a quote. It went smoothly with the intro paragraph.