Monday, April 20, 2009

Ty's essay

Ty LeVarge
Mr. Salsich
English 02
April 20, 2009

Feelings of Stories:
An Essay on How “The Garden Party”, “The Traveling Onion” and
“I’m nobody” Relate to the Word: Sentimental

How do two stories have feelings within their tales? The Garden Party has many points in the story where one of the characters expresses an exemplary amount of feeling. The Traveling Onion is a poem of how the onion is forgotten and how it feels about being left out. The word sentimental is a word describing the feelings expressed, and it fits well into these two stories.

TS In “The Garden Party”, Laura has expressed many emotional feelings for the events that she has witnessed. SD One instance of this was when she was about to stop the band because a man died from an accident. CM Her sister Jose was conflicting with her because she doesn’t want the whole party to be stopped just because a man died. CM This was where Laura started to have saddened feelings that not only the man had died, but that her sister did not care for him. SD She was also sentimental when she visited the house where the man’s family lived. CM She saw of how peaceful the man was as she stared at his peacefulness. CM After she was done, she came out to Laurie crying not because it was awful in the home, but that it was beautiful. CS This is a story of how emotions can turn into works of magic.

TS In the poem, “I’m Nobody” by Emily Dickinson, she is feeling sentimental about how being someone can be a bad characteristic on an individual. SD She says telling that you are nobody would make others advertize that fact. CM Most people always want to be remembered in life as someone to remember and Emily Dickinson is the opposite. CM She wants to stay invisible and not have to fear about being somebody. SD She also does not want to express any sensibility or feelings so that she would not be noticed as someone. CM at the beginning of the poem, she sounds as if she is telling something quietly as if it were a secret. CM She kept to herself to avoid being someone and she detested becoming someone known to people. CS Emily Dickinson avoided popularity from while she was alive, but now, she has become a well known poet of our age.

TS Feelings of being left out and forgotten is a focus in Zora Neale Hurston’s poem “The Traveling Onion”. SD She describes the onion as it were a traveling artifact that has traveled around the world only to be forgotten. CM The onion disappears when it arrives onto the plate of a meal or in a sweet stew. CM She praises it and every meal that has an onion within it. SD The onion would feel as if it were being forgotten after it gets picked and forgotten by the time it was prepared. CM The onion has been treasured and cared for since the farmer planted its seeds into the ground. CM now that it is at the end of its journey, it feels forgotten about and is only there to be a slight flavoring factor for the meal. CS The onion may not matter to the consumer in a meal but it should be respected for its journey and its existence.

Feelings are powerful and they can control an individual’s life to make them feel better or worse about themselves. The word sentimental has a powerful meaning when it is compared with touching stories like “The Garden Party”. People in real life can be sentimental and could have very sensitive emotion towards someone or something. Having feeling is normal for all living organisms and that people are sentimental all the time.


Kyle said...

I think "doesn't" in the sentence "CM Her sister Jose was conflicting with her because she doesn’t want the whole party to be stopped just because a man died" should be "didn't" instead. "SD She says that telling that you are nobody would make others advertize that fact." This sentence is worded a little awkwardly, maybe you shoudl try re-wording it. Ty I really liked how you start off with a question immediately catching the reader's interest right off the bat!

tristan yerkes said...

Excellent writing dude, especially your first sentence in the introduction. It grabbed me, and stayed with me for the rest of the essay. Just a couple little mistakes I noticed. First, you titled Dickinson's poem as "I'm Nobody" and I'm not sure this is Ok because the poem is actually untitled, but I'm not sure. Also, you may want to change your last sentence, "Having feeling is normal for all living organisms and that people are sentimental all the time." and remove "that" or something, because I dont think that it is gramatically correct as is... YOU ARE GOOOOOOOD!