Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kyle's Paragraph

Kyle Sebastian
Professor H. Salsich
English 9
7 April 2009

An Essay on the courage in My Life and Ms. Sexton’s Poem.

TS: Courage, the ability to face danger, difficulty, uncertainty, or pain without being overcome by fear or being deflected from a chosen course of action. SD: Life takes unbelievable amounts of courage. CM: All throughout life one needs courage to get through tough situations, overcome objects, and even completing simple things. CM: I cannot live without life, but I cannot not live without courage either.

TS: What Ms. Sexton is saying is that life takes courage. SD: Her whole poem seems like it is divided up into stages of somebody’s life. CM: Her first stanza starts off with an infancy stage because she says “the child’s first step.” CM: You can tell the last stanza has to do with the end of somebody’s life when she says “when you face old age.” SD: The second stanza mentions war which is something that many people have to deal with and require courage to deal with it. CM: Not only do people in the war need to have courage, but the families of those in the war have to have courage as well. CM: They have to have courage to face the fact that their sons and daughters and sisters and brothers and mothers and fathers and uncles and aunts might not make it home. SD: In the third stanza Ms. Sexton mentions “great despair” which is another thing that some people have had to deal with in their lives. CM: Some people have had a loved one die, have no place to live, or sometimes have lost their money. CM: It takes great courage to deal with those kind of things and move forward in life. CS: It takes courage from the minute your foot hits the floor when you get out of bed to the moment your eyes close before you go to sleep.

TS: I totally agree with Ms. Sexton that life in general takes courage. SD: I know that my life certainly takes courage. CM: I have to deal with daily struggles like getting school work in on time, drama with friends and family and many other small predicaments that life habitually throws at us. CM: Each and every day always presents a challenge and it always requires courage to get through. SD: I also have “great despairs” in my life that sometimes require great amounts of courage. CM: My grandfather’s death, for instance, was a huge despair in my life because I loved him very dearly. CM: When he died it took great courage for me to move on and keep an optimistic look on life. SD: War, like in Ms. Sexton’s poem, is also an occurring event in my life that takes courage to deal with. CM: I have an uncle, whom I love very much, who is in the army. CM: It takes courage to realize and deal with the fact that he might not come home someday, it takes courage for his kids to know that they may never see their dad again, it takes courage for his wife to know that she may never see the man she loves again. CS: The reality is that everyone needs to necessitate courage into their lives.

TS: “Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.” (Bernadette Devlin) SD: Courage is an everyday necessity just like food, like water, like the blood that courses through our veins. CM: I have lived my life with courage ever since I was born and I will continue to face what’s ahead of me. CM: At some point in everyone’s life they are faced with a choice; either living life doing what you think is right or by living life and never your true self to the world.

blue-Loose Sentence
purple-FAST words

1 comment:

Ty aka Mr Halo said...

Kyle, I like how you began your essay with the facts of what courage is and i think that was something that would catch the reader's attention. In the sentence, "My life certainly takes courage and I know your must you." at the end i think you mean to say "and I know yours must too." also, "TS: What Ms. Sexton is saying is that life takes courage." i think you should put in a comma after "saying" and before the second "is"