Monday, October 20, 2008

Ty's essay # 5 :)

Ty LeVarge
English 02
20 October, 2008

How could one appreciate life?:
An essay on how Zora Neale Hurston appreciates her life in her essay
"What it Feels Like to be Colored Me” And how I appreciate my life

Ms. Hurston is a type of person who appreciates her life, even though others around her may not want her to be around because she is a different color. No matter what anyone says, she is an upright person who can’t be knocked down easily by mere anemic words of discriminating dominance. In other words, she won’t care much of whatever anyone says about her, where those words can breakdown someone who isn't as strong as Ms. Hurston. Ms. Hurston is not only a powerful writer, but a powerful person of structure, a structure that is hard to knock down and she is still able to appreciate her life no matter what.
Ms. Hurston, no matter what happens, no matter what anyone says, no matter what anyone does, she is still headstrong and goes on with her life and continues to appreciate her life no matter what occurs around her. She appreciates being herself because she enjoys the life she has, even though she would love to have a better one, she would probably love the one she has now more than any other life she would have had. She lives in a good community that accepts her and likes having her both as a resident, and as a friend. She is also successful in life and probably has a good family, and a nice house; which seems to add to her appreciation of her life that she was given. She also describes how tourists think of her and others around her as the tourists are riding through their village. They may say things under their breath about Ms. Hurston and her neighbors and friends when she was young. However, these small phrases are unable to reach the ears beyond that form of communication; which is the advantage to the village; they are deaf to the curses and the horrible talk of others. Ms. Hurston has almost an impenetrable wall that shields her happy life from any invaders wanting to make her suffer.
TS I appreciate my life as much as possible even if something wrong happens; I learn from it and get on with life. SD Like Ms. Hurston, I also live a good life, and have a lot of friends, a lot of fun, and a lot of memories. CM During my life, I have made dozens of friends and memories that I will treasure for many years to come. CM This shows that I appreciate life and that I think that my life is pretentious since I came to Pine Point. SD Also like Ms. Hurston, I don’t bother to notice if someone was saying that I was a nonsensical white American. CM Not that this has ever happened in my life and I hope it doesn’t, but I would say something like, “Go get lost in the mountains.” and move on with my life (even though I would say something more inappropriate, this was a way of saying it without harsh language). CM This instance just proves that no matter what anyone says or does, I will continue to appreciate my life. SD My main goal in appreciating my life is to simply make the best of it and to live life to its fullest. CM No matter if anything bad happens or even if anything good happens, I will stare at it for a bit and cast it to the side like walking through brush in the woods. CM The point of one being able to appreciate life is to appreciate the opportunity and to live life to its fullest; maybe even beyond the limit. CS In order for one to not concern themselves about any negative activities around them, they must appreciate life and live it to its fullest to be blind to those activities unless necessary.
TS My appreciation of life is the same if not similar as Ms. Hurston’s appreciation of her essay. CM We both seem to appreciate life not just because we live good lives, but also that we wish to live life to its best. CM This shows a powerful connection of similarities between Ms. Hurston and I which shows that more than one person can have the same appreciation of life. CS A great message for readers to pass on is to not worry about anything that may seem to change your liking of life but to worry about what may enhance your life.


tristan yerkes said...

I would just like to say that I was on the blog to post my essay, and I saw your title, and immediatly read your essay, excellent attention grabber!

tristan yerkes said...

Great essay! I was really blown away by your visualization, and sentences such as, " Ms. Hurston has almost an impenetrable wall that shields her happy life from any invaders wanting to make her suffer." Just helped me understand what you were trying to say so much better. Just a couple little problems you had, in the first paragraph, the sentence, "someone else that is more easily affected by these negative effects." is confusing and repetative, I think if you rephrased it, it would sound a lot more professional. I would also like to say that you had the title of Ms. Hurston's essay wrong, and if you just changed that it would improve your grade a lot. Great ideas ty!

Kyle said...

Ty, I think that some quotes from Ms. Hurston's essay would be nice, also remember to put a colon after the main heading. Int he last sentence you say "anything thing" just to giv eyou a heads up. However, i loved your use of FAST words. THey were all apt and flowed smoothly with your essay.