Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ty's exam essay

Ty LeVarge
Mr. Salsich
English 02
June 4, 2009

Diversity Among People:
An Essay on How Two Characters are Related to a Poem

People are different in the world. There are different races, different personalities, different nationalities, and different languages. Not all people are the same. We learn to accept the differences of the people around us.

In the story, “Sonny’s Blues”, Sonny relates to the poem “Yes” in his own way. Sonny was a man who had no control over himself and was always in despair (FAST) through drugs. Sonny was a colored adult who had complications and could only relieve himself through music. He plays the piano like he was born to play. In the poem “Yes”, William Stafford talks of how sudden things can happen at any time. He talks about the disasters such as Armageddon and earthquakes. He talks of how it can happen at any time; during the day, at night, even right now. Sonny can be changed, like the environment when a disaster strikes. As soon as Sonny puts his fragile fingers on the keys of a piano, he changes inside his inner soul. He plays his problems on the piano and everyone can hear them and understand them. Overall, Sonny changes quickly and can let loose a tempest when he plays his piano.

Similar to Sonny, Dexter Green in Winter Dreams relates to a different poem named “The Real Work” by Wendell Berry. Dexter was just a young golfer who met a girl named Judy Jones, who he liked and became close with her. She later left him because she fell in love with another man. Dexter later wishes that he could have been more loving of her, so that they could have stayed as a couple. Similarly, Berry states in his poem that only the working people get the rewards of working hard. If someone’s mind is not filled with questions, then you are not performing at your minimum. The only people that are hard working people, are the ones that have swarms of questions in their thoughts. Dexter has many questions during his life that remain with him for many years without leaving his thoughts. Most of these thoughts are about Judy and why she left him. He is paralyzed by so many thoughts and ponders them for hours on end. Dexter is a complex character who has many difficulties in his life, but is able to calm himself.

People, fictional and real are all different. Everyone has their changing periods and change differently. Dexter and Sonny are similar in more ways than they are different. No person is the same as anyone else.

Tristan's Exam

Tristan Yerkes

Mr. Salsich

English 02

4th June, 2009

The Last Trickle:
An Essay on Emotion and Art

The most emotional profession there is is art. Art requires pent-up emotion to be let out in a medium. The poem The Real Work by Wendell Berry conveys the same thoughts about art and emotion. Both Sonny from “Sonny's Blues” and the poet, Emily Dickinson relate to The Real Work.

TS: Sonny held in his own emotion, bottled it up, and let it out through his blues. SD: Sonny first held in his emotions, creating a dam of feelings ready to be let loose. CM: He held them back, using drugs, alcohol, and a reclusive attitude, as his brother said, “I suddenly had the feeling that I didn't know him at all.” CM: Sonny came to his “real journey” his “real work” when he had to funnel his emotions into song at the end of the story. SD: Sonny then let his emotions flow through and transform into the beautiful music he played. CM: At the end, he played this beautiful music, he was “the impeded stream, […] the one that sings.” CM: He used this emotional music to help his brother understand him and help Sonny understand himself. CS: This music was a real work of art, the physical embodiment of Sonny's emotion, what he once controlled, controlling him.

TS: Emily Dickinson also held in her emotions, in a less destructive way than Sonny. SD: Emily Dickinson, living in total isolation for most of her life, had no outlet for her emotions other than art. CM: Dickinson barely ever left her home and almost never had any visitors, which kept her from letting loose any emotion. CM: Berry says, “The mind that is not baffled is employed” which shows that since Dickinson was not baffled by other people, she was employed in writing her emotional poetry. SD: Dickinson's impeded stream trickled through to do the real work of poetry writing. CM: Because Dickinson's emotions were so strong and different, her writing was strong and different, containing random marks and capitalization for emphasis. CM: Dickinson says things like, “I'm nobody” and then proceeds to talk about how good it is to be nobody, giving the same sort of isolated mood as her life had. CS: Dickinson's poems, emotionally charged and powerful, conveyed the “real work” of emotional flow described by Mr. Berry.

The poem The Real Work talks about the very powerful real work of emotional art, and these two very different people both do this very similar work. Both sonny and Dickinson funneled their emotions into their artwork, and in so doing, enhanced it beyond belief. They were employed in the most emotional profession of art, their impeded streams singing.








Final Exam Essay

Kyle Sebastian
Professor H. Salsich
English 9
Emotional Guidance:
Final Exam Essay
The poem “The Real Work” by Wendell Berry explains that once people relinquish (FAST) their control on life they start their “real journey.” People often give control to their emotions and are led by them all the time. They let how their feeling influence the decisions they make. These decisions make up the different chapters of our lives, and since we each make different decisions, we each have a unique life. Some people try to keep in control of their emotions all the time and try to live life by a schedule. However, it is only when you free yourself of plans and let fate take you where it will when you start on your “real journey.”
Laura, a young girl from the story “The Garden Party” by Katherine Mansfield, is an example of how someone “no longer [knows] which way to go.” (Appositive) Laura was someone who very much liked to be in control. She even was the supervisor for where to put a Marquee for her mother’s garden party. She enjoyed the feeling that everything was going as planned and if something went wrong she would be able to fix it. However, once she heard that a man had died just outside her house she didn’t know what to do. She forgot all about the garden party and focused on the dead man. Her emotions of sympathy for the family of the man caused her to try to stop the garden party, afraid it would offend the family. If Laura was her usual composed self she would never have even thought of stopping the party, but since she was being led by her emotions she made decisions she wouldn’t have usually made. As soon as she let her emotions lead her is when she started on her “real journey.”
Another fictional character, Dexter Green, from “Winter Dreams” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, was also someone who lost control of his emotions. He loved a woman in the story by the name of Judy Jones. She was wild, and interesting, and beautiful, and always exciting (Polysyndeton/Parallelism). He, in fact, never had a dull moment while he was with her. The negative part about Judy, however, was that she was so wild that Dexter had no control over her. She frequently saw other men, which caused Dexter to be devastated and was the foundation his emotions needed to influence him. Since Dexter had no control over the situation with Judy it caused his emotions to be all the more potent (FAST). He “no longer [knew] which way to go” with Judy, which led to the start of his life’s “real journey.”
If people didn’t show their emotions life would be very bland. Everyone would be an emotionless mask and there would be no excitement. Emotions give drama, exude (FAST) excitement, and share meaning to life (3 Action Sentence). We all make decisions based on what we feel is right or wrong and that makes each of our lives inimitable (FAST). Emotions rule who we are and how we live. If you simply live your life by your emotions then you are truly “the [. . .] stream [. . .] that sings.”

Fast Words-(FAST)
Special Terms-Bold